
Filters are used to selectively control which log statements are sent to specific Sinks based on defined criteria.

Each Sink can be associated with one or multiple Filter objects. These filters allow customization of log statement handling, such as filtering by log level or other criteria.

By default, a logger sends all log messages to its Sinks. Filters provide a way to intercept and selectively process log records before they are outputted.

A filter is implemented as a callable object that evaluates each log statement and returns a boolean value. This boolean value determines whether the log statement should be forwarded to the Sink or filtered out.

struct Filter
  bool operator()(quill::LogRecord const& log_record)
    // return true to accept the log message, false to reject it
    return log_record.metadata.log_level() >= quill::LogLevel::Warning;

int main()
  // Start the backend thread

  // Frontend
  auto file_sink = quill::Frontend::create_or_get_sink<quill::FileSink>("filtered_logging.log");


  quill::Logger* logger = quill::Frontend::create_or_get_logger("root", std::move(file_sink));

  LOG_INFO(logger, "This log will not be written");
  LOG_WARNING(logger, "This log will be written");