
Thread Safety

All components and API offered to the user is intended to be thread-safe without any special work needing to be done.

quill::Logger are thread safe by default. The same instance can be used to log by any thread. Any thread can safely modify the active log level of the logger.

Logging a non copyable, non movable user defined type

Quill will copy all arguments passed as arguments and perform all the formatting in the background thread. Therefore, the arguments passed to the logger needs to be copyable or at least movable. If the argument can not be made copyable then the user has to convert it to a string first before passing it to the logger.

Guaranteed logging

Quill uses a thread-local single-producer-single-consumer queue to forward logs records to the backend thread. By default an unbounded queue is used with an initially small size for performance reasons. If the queue becomes full the user can suffer a small performance penalty as a new queue will get allocated. Log messages are never dropped.

Customising the queue size

The queue size if configurable in runtime in quill::Config and applies to both bounded and unbounded queues.

Enabling non-guaranteed logging mode

If this option is enabled in TweakMe.h then the queue will never re-allocate but log messages will be dropped instead. If any messages are dropped then the user is notified by logging the number of dropped messages to stderr

Flush Policy and Force Flushing

By default quill lets libc to flush whenever it sees fit in order to achieve good performance. You can explicitly instruct the logger to flush all its contents. The logger will in turn flush all existing handlers.


The thread that calls :quill::flush() will block until every message up to that point is flushed.

inline void quill::flush()

Blocks the caller thread until all log messages up to the current timestamp are flushed

The backend thread will call write on all handlers for all loggers up to the point (timestamp) that this function was called.


This function will not do anything if called while the backend worker is not running

Application Crash Policy

When the program is terminated gracefully, quill will go through its destructor where all messages are guaranteed to be logged.

However, if the applications crashes, log messages can be lost.

To avoid losing messages when the application crashes due to a signal interrupt the user must setup it’s own signal handler and call quill::flush() inside the signal handler.

There is a built-in signal handler that offers this crash-safe behaviour and can be enabled in quill::start()

Log Messages Timestamp Order

Quill creates a single worker backend thread which orders the messages in all queues by timestamp before printing them to the log file.

Number of Backend Threads

Quill focus is on low latency and not high throughput. Therefore, there is only one backend thread that will process all logs.

Latency of the first log message

A queue and an internal buffer will be allocated on the first log message of each thread. If the latency of the first log message is important it is recommended to call quill::preallocate()

inline void quill::preallocate()

Pre-allocates the thread-local data needed for the current thread. Although optional, it is recommended to invoke this function during the thread initialisation phase before the first log message.


Quill offers a few customisation options which are also very well documented.

Have a look at files Config.h under the namespace quill::config().

Ideally each hot thread runs on an isolated CPU. Then the backend logging thread should also be pinned to an either isolated or a junk CPU core.

Also the file TweakMe.h offers some compile time customisations. In release builds lower severity log levels such as LOG_TRACE or LOG_DEBUG statements can be compiled out to reduce the number of branches in the application. This can be done by editing TweakMe.h or invoking cmake