Cheat Sheet


The logging library provides macros to efficiently log various types of data. The LOG_ macro copies each argument passed into contiguous pre-allocated memory. On the invoking thread, only a binary copy of the arguments is taken. Formatting, string conversions, and IO are handled by the backend logging thread.

For instance, when logging a std::vector, no copy constructor is invoked. Instead, the vector elements are serialised into pre-allocated memory.

Quill uses libfmt for formatting, supporting the {} placeholders syntax (

The library minimizes unnecessary header inclusions; therefore, to log STL types, you must explicitly include headers from the quill/std/ folder.

LOGV Macros

In addition to the LOG_ macros, the LOGV_ macros provide a convenient alternative.

However, it’s important to note that these macros do not support the libfmt syntax. Instead, they use a hardcoded format string and support up to 20 arguments.

Please avoid using {} placeholders with these macros, such as brace initialization, as they are primarily intended for logging l-values.

Recommended Usage:

std::string s{"test"};
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Answer", s);


Answer [s: test]

This will NOT work:

LOGV_INFO(logger, "The answer is", std::string{"test"});

But this is fine:

LOGV_INFO(logger, "The answer is", std::string("test"));

Logging Built-in Types and Strings

Logging arithmetic types, strings, string_view, C strings, C char arrays, or void const* is supported out of the box.

double a = 123.4567;
LOG_INFO(logger, "number {:.2f}", a);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "number", a);


number 123.46

number [a: 123.4567]

Logging Arithmetic C-style Arrays

This functionality is supported by including quill/std/Array.h

#include "quill/std/Array.h"

int a[3] = {1, 2, 3};
LOG_INFO(logger, "array {}", a);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "array", a);


array [1, 2, 3]

array [a: [1, 2, 3]]

Logging Enums

For enums, you can either cast them to their underlying type or provide an operator<< or an fmtquill::formatter

#include "quill/bundled/fmt/format.h"
#include "quill/bundled/fmt/ostream.h"

enum class Side

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Side s)
  if (s == Side::BUY)
    os << "BUY";
    os << "SELL";
  return os;

template <>
struct fmtquill::formatter<Side> : fmtquill::ostream_formatter


Side s {Side::SELL};
LOG_INFO(logger, "Side {}", s);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Side", s);



Side [s: SELL]

Logging Strings Without Additional Copy

By default, the logger takes a deep copy of any string. To log an immutable string with a valid lifetime without copying, use quill::utility::StringRef.

#include "quill/StringRef.h"

static constexpr std::string_view s {"Test String"};
LOG_INFO(logger, "The answer is {}", quill::utility::StringRef {s});

auto sref = quill::utility::StringRef {s};
LOGV_INFO(logger, "The answer is", sref);


The answer is Test String

The answer is [sref: Test String]

Logging STL Library Types

To log STL types, include the relevant header from quill/std/. There is support for most STL types.

#include "quill/std/Vector.h"

std::vector<std::string> v1 {"One", "Two", "Three"};
std::vector<std::string> v2 {"Four", "Five", "Six"};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> vv {v1, v2};

LOG_INFO(logger, "Two vectors {} {} and a vector of vectors {}", v1, v2, vv);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Two vectors and a vector of vectors", v1, v2, vv);


Two vectors [“One”, “Two”, “Three”] [“Four”, “Five”, “Six”] and a vector of vectors [[“One”, “Two”, “Three”], [“Four”, “Five”, “Six”]]

Two vectors and a vector of vectors [v1: [“One”, “Two”, “Three”], v2: [“Four”, “Five”, “Six”], vv: [[“One”, “Two”, “Three”], [“Four”, “Five”, “Six”]]]

Logging Nested STL Library Types

Logging nested STL types is supported. Include all relevant files from quill/std/.

For example, to log a std::vector of std::pair, include both quill/std/Vector.h and quill/std/Pair.h.

#include "quill/std/Vector.h"
#include "quill/std/Pair.h"

std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> v1 {{1, "One"}, {2, "Two"}, {3, "Three"}};
LOG_INFO(logger, "Vector {}", v1);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Vector", v1);


Vector [(1, “One”), (2, “Two”), (3, “Three”)]

Vector [v1: [(1, “One”), (2, “Two”), (3, “Three”)]]

You can have multiple levels of nested types without limitation. As long as all relevant headers are included, the serialization will work seamlessly.

#include "quill/std/Chrono.h"
#include "quill/std/Optional.h"
#include "quill/std/Pair.h"
#include "quill/std/Vector.h"

std::vector<std::pair<std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, std::optional<std::string>>> v1{
  {std::chrono::system_clock::now(), "One"}, {std::chrono::system_clock::now(), "Two"}};

LOG_INFO(logger, "Vector {}", v1);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Vector", v1);


Vector [(2024-07-27 10:14:32.851648339, optional(“One”)), (2024-07-27 10:14:32.851648405, optional(“Two”))]

Vector [v1: [(2024-07-27 10:14:32.851648339, optional(“One”)), (2024-07-27 10:14:32.851648405, optional(“Two”))]]

Logging Wide Strings

On Windows, wide strings are supported by including quill/std/WideString.h. For more information see the Wide Strings tutorial section

#include "quill/std/WideString.h"
#include "quill/std/Vector.h"

std::wstring w {L"wide"};
std::vector<std::wstring> wv {L"wide", L"string"};
LOG_INFO(logger, "string {} and vector {}", w, wv);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "string and vector", w, wv);


string wide and vector [“wide”, “string”]

string and vector [w: wide, wv: [“wide”, “string”]]

Logging User Defined Types

To log user-defined types, you need to specify how to serialise them or convert them to a string and pass that string to the logger.

Slow Path Logging

For log statements made during program initialization, or for debug logs that are not on the critical path, it is recommended to convert user-defined types to strings and pass these strings to the LOG_ function. This method requires less effort and minimizes template instantiations. For example:

#include "quill/bundled/fmt/ostream.h"
#include "quill/bundled/fmt/format.h"

class Config
  std::string param_1;
  std::string param_2;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Config config)
    os << "param_1: " << config.param_1 << " param_2 " << config.param_2;
    return os;

template <>
struct fmtquill::formatter<Config> : fmtquill::ostream_formatter

Config cfg {"123", "456"};

LOG_INFO(logger, "Starting with config {}", fmtquill::format("{}", cfg));

std::string const cfg_str = fmtquill::format("{}", cfg);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Starting", cfg_str);


Starting with config param_1: 123 param_2 456

Starting [cfg_str: param_1: 123 param_2 456]

Hot Path Logging

For log statements on the critical path, it is advisable to provide serialisation methods so that only a binary copy is made during the critical path operations. The type will be encoded on the critical path, then decoded and reconstructed on the backend thread before being passed to libfmt for formatting. To serialise user defined types types, the library requires:

  1. Template specializations of quill::Codec<T> within the quill namespace.

  2. Template specializations of fmtquill::formatter<T>` within the ``fmtquill namespace.

  3. The user-defined type must have a default constructor and a copy constructor.

Serialising Trivially Copyable Types With Default Constructor

Use the quill::TriviallyCopyableTypeCodec helper.

#include "quill/bundled/fmt/ostream.h"
#include "quill/bundled/fmt/format.h"

#include "quill/TriviallyCopyableCodec.h"

struct Order
  char symbol[32];
  double price;
  int quantity;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Order const& order)
    os << "symbol=" << order.symbol << " price=" << order.price << " quantity=" << order.quantity;
    return os;

template <>
struct fmtquill::formatter<Order> : fmtquill::ostream_formatter


template <>
struct quill::Codec<Order> : quill::TriviallyCopyableTypeCodec<Order>


Order order;
strcpy(order.symbol, "AAPL");
order.quantity = 100;
order.price = 220.10;

LOG_INFO(logger, "Order is {}", order);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Order", order);


Order is symbol=AAPL price=220.1 quantity=100

Order [order: symbol=AAPL price=220.1 quantity=100]

Serialising Trivially Copyable Types With Non-Default Constructor

For trivially copyable types with a non-default constructor, make quill::TriviallyCopyableTypeCodec<T> a friend and ensure there is a private default constructor.

#include "quill/bundled/fmt/ostream.h"
#include "quill/bundled/fmt/format.h"

#include "quill/TriviallyCopyableCodec.h"

class Order
  Order(double price, int quantity)
    : timestamp(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()), price(price), quantity(quantity)

  uint64_t timestamp;
  double price;
  int quantity;

  template <typename T>
  friend struct quill::TriviallyCopyableTypeCodec;

  Order() = default;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Order const& order)
    os << "timestamp=" << order.timestamp << " price=" << order.price << " quantity=" << order.quantity;
    return os;

template <>
struct fmtquill::formatter<Order> : fmtquill::ostream_formatter

template <>
struct quill::Codec<Order> : quill::TriviallyCopyableTypeCodec<Order>

Order order {220.10, 100};

LOG_INFO(logger, "Order is {}", order);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Order", order);


Order is timestamp=17220422717461192 price=220.1 quantity=100

Order [order: timestamp=17220422717461192 price=220.1 quantity=100]

Serialising Non Trivially Copyable User Defined Types With Public Members

For user-defined types with non-trivially copyable types as members, it is necessary to define the class quill::Codec<T>.

Note that it is possible to pass STL types to compute_total_encoded_size, encode_members, and decode_members as long as the relevant header file from quill/std/ for that type is included.

#include "quill/bundled/fmt/ostream.h"
#include "quill/bundled/fmt/format.h"

#include "quill/core/Codec.h"
#include "quill/core/DynamicFormatArgStore.h"

struct Order
  std::string symbol;
  double price;
  int quantity;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Order const& order)
    os << "symbol=" << order.symbol << " price=" << order.price << " quantity=" << order.quantity;
    return os;

template <>
struct fmtquill::formatter<Order> : fmtquill::ostream_formatter

template <>
struct quill::Codec<Order>
  static size_t compute_encoded_size(detail::SizeCacheVector& conditional_arg_size_cache, ::Order const& order) noexcept
    return compute_total_encoded_size(conditional_arg_size_cache, order.symbol, order.price, order.quantity);

  static void encode(std::byte*& buffer, detail::SizeCacheVector const& conditional_arg_size_cache,
                     uint32_t& conditional_arg_size_cache_index, ::Order const& order) noexcept
    encode_members(buffer, conditional_arg_size_cache, conditional_arg_size_cache_index, order.symbol,
                   order.price, order.quantity);

  static ::Order decode_arg(std::byte*& buffer)
    ::Order order;
    decode_members(buffer, order, order.symbol, order.price, order.quantity);
    return order;

  static void decode_and_store_arg(std::byte*& buffer, DynamicFormatArgStore* args_store)

Order order {"AAPL", 220.10, 100};

LOG_INFO(logger, "Order is {}", order);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Order", order);


Order is symbol=AAPL price=220.1 quantity=100

Order [order: symbol=AAPL price=220.1 quantity=100]

Serialising Non Trivially Copyable User Defined Types With Private Members

For user-defined types with non-trivially copyable types as private members, the easiest workaround is the same as in the trivially copyable case above: make quill::Codec<T> a friend and also have a private default constructor if the default one is not publicly available.

Note that it is possible to pass STL types to compute_total_encoded_size, encode_members, and decode_members as long as the relevant header file from quill/std/ for that type is included. In this example, quill/std/Chrono.h is included to encode and decode the std::chrono::system_clock::time_point.

#include "quill/bundled/fmt/ostream.h"
#include "quill/bundled/fmt/format.h"

#include "quill/core/Codec.h"
#include "quill/core/DynamicFormatArgStore.h"
#include "quill/std/Chrono.h"

class Order
  Order(std::string symbol, double price, int quantity)
    : timestamp(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()), symbol(std::move(symbol)), price(price), quantity(quantity)

  std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timestamp;
  std::string symbol;
  double price;
  int quantity;

  template <typename T, typename U>
  friend struct quill::Codec;

  Order() = default;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Order const& order)
    os << "timestamp=" << order.timestamp.time_since_epoch().count() << " symbol=" << order.symbol << " price=" << order.price << " quantity=" << order.quantity;
    return os;

template <>
struct fmtquill::formatter<Order> : fmtquill::ostream_formatter

template <>
struct quill::Codec<Order>
  static size_t compute_encoded_size(detail::SizeCacheVector& conditional_arg_size_cache, ::Order const& order) noexcept
    return compute_total_encoded_size(conditional_arg_size_cache, order.timestamp, order.symbol, order.price, order.quantity);

  static void encode(std::byte*& buffer, detail::SizeCacheVector const& conditional_arg_size_cache,
                     uint32_t& conditional_arg_size_cache_index, ::Order const& order) noexcept
    encode_members(buffer, conditional_arg_size_cache, conditional_arg_size_cache_index, order.timestamp, order.symbol,
                   order.price, order.quantity);

  static ::Order decode_arg(std::byte*& buffer)
    ::Order order;
    decode_members(buffer, order, order.timestamp, order.symbol, order.price, order.quantity);
    return order;

  static void decode_and_store_arg(std::byte*& buffer, DynamicFormatArgStore* args_store)

Order order {"AAPL", 220.10, 100};
LOG_INFO(logger, "Order is {}", order);
LOGV_INFO(logger, "Order", order);


Order is timestamp=17220432928367021 symbol=AAPL price=220.1 quantity=100

Order [order: timestamp=17220432928367021 symbol=AAPL price=220.1 quantity=100]

Serialising User-Defined Types within STL Containers

It is possible to log user-defined types nested within STL containers, such as std::vector<Order>. To achieve this, ensure the following:

  1. Define a quill::Codec<T> specialization for the user-defined type as described above.

  2. Include the relevant header file for the STL type from the quill/std/ directory.